
In an era where digital innovation is rapidly changing the financial landscape, we recognize the potential to reshape the customer experience. We're seeking fresh perspectives to redefine what digital banking means for our customers.

Challenge Description:

We invite our bright minds to contribute ideas that merge cutting-edge technology with our customers' daily lives, enhancing convenience and adding value beyond transactions. Your proposal should leverage digital transformation to create a more engaging, intuitive, and personalized banking journey.


  • Propose initiatives that leverage digital tools to improve the customer experience.
  • Ensure the idea is scalable and can be integrated across various digital channels.
  • Highlight how your idea can foster stronger customer relationships and community engagement.

Expected Outcomes:

  • A brief outline of your concept, focusing on its innovative aspects and customer impact.
  • An explanation of how your idea aligns with our digital transformation goals.
  • An initial assessment of potential challenges and opportunities for implementation.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Submissions must be presented through the Nedbank Mesh platform with a succinct title and description.
  • Proposals should identify the digital transformation category that best represents the idea.
  • While not required, accompanying visual aids or AI-generated images to illustrate your concept are encouraged.